Car No.102 was a Henriod and No.55 was a Panhard 70. Charles Rolls (of Rolls-Royce) drove No. 59, also a Panhard 70
09 March, 2025
Car No.102 was a Henriod and No.55 was a Panhard 70. Charles Rolls (of Rolls-Royce) drove No. 59, also a Panhard 70
The French Government was not disposed to allow the race on open public roads for safety reasons, remembering the deaths and casualties from horseless vehicles in the 1901 Paris-Berlin Motor Carriage Race.
However, there was pressure not only from the Spanish monarchy, but the Automobile Club de France (ACF), and the manufacturers of a burgeoning industry generating 16 million francs in exports which in turn supported a workforce of 25 thousand and growing.
France was the world leader of motor vehicle production and exports.
Racing was a high profile advertising platform especially when speed and endurance records were being broken.
On 17th February 1903 the Council of Ministries and the President gave their consent to what was advertised as the biggest race since the invention of the car.
Start of the 1903 Paris-Madrid at Versailles
1903 Paris Madrid City to City Race - 1,307km
Versailles – Bordeaux (552 km), Bordeaux – Vitoria (km 335) and Vitoria – Madrid (420 km)
170 vehicles & 54 motorcycles
24 May 1903 - Sunday 0200hrs 100,000 spectators at the start
Location: Gardens of Versailles, Paris
Start Time: 0330hrs - A vehicle left at 1 minute intervals until 0645hrs
The race was started later than planned due to the large crowds and the lack of light, but the day would be hot and the drive would be under a fierce heat.
The departure intervals were halved to one minute because of the volume of entries. The starting order out of the entire field of competitors was completely random for vehicles registered in the first thirty days of registration. After the 30 day period it was in order of registration.
Louis Renault, the first to arrive at Bordeaux.
Louis Renault in the No. 3 car was the first car to reach Bordeaux, but his journey time though taking first place in the light-weight class, placed him second overall behind Fernand Gabriel, who was 26 minutes and 28 seconds faster, averaging an incredible 105km/h (65.3mph) in his Mors.
The spectacle advertised as “the biggest race since the invention of the car” that drew 100,000 people to witness the 3.30 am start at Versailles with another 100,000 along the route towards Bordeaux slid inexorably into the disaster that was waiting to happen.
Fifty per cent of the cars never reached the end of the first leg of 552 km's to Bordeaux.
Five racers and three spectators died
One hundred people were injured.
Among the dead was Marcel Renault of the Renault Frères Company established in 1889.
He died near Couhé-Verac, a few kilometers south of Poitier whilst overtaking in his 40 hp Renault AK, and blinded by the constant companion of dust,kicked up by the very vehicle he was overtaking, and those that had gone before, did not see the turn in the road, and at over 100km/h, drove straight into a ditch flinging both himself and his mechanic, René Vauthier, from the vehicle.
His mechanic was seriously injured, but survived.
Marcel Renault never regained consciousness dying 48 hours later at 31 years of age.
Further fatalities were Claude Loraine-Barrow driving a 45 hp De Dietrich, and his mechanic Pierre Rodez, who crashed into a tree whilst avoiding a dog at Arveyres some 30kms from Bordeaux.
Pierre Rodez died at the scene immediately and Claude Loraine-Barrow after undergoing surgery as a result of injuries sustained in the crash died within weeks of the race.
Louis Renault, who had been third to start off ahead of the pack in the morning and the first to arrive in Bordeaux never raced again after losing his older brother.
Camille du Gaste competed in the 1901 Paris-Berlin race driving her late husband’s 20CV Panhard-Levassor and in 1903 was hired by Adrien de Turckheim to drive the No.29 5.7 litre 30hp De Dietrich in the Paris-Madrid race.
With her track record (and of course great PR) the Benz factory team offered her one of their cars for the 1904 Gordon Bennett Cup. However the French Government banned women from competing in motorsport citing ‘feminine nervousness’.
In 1905, finding less nervous authorities in England she took part competing against Dorothy Levitt who prevailed driving her 80 hp Napier at a speed of 79.75 miles per hour setting a World Speed record for Ladies in the inaugural Brighton Speed Trials.
Camille du Gaste in her 5.7-litre 30 hp De Dietrichs
As of May 1903 City to City Races were Banned.
Factors contributing to the Paris Madrid disaster, were road conditions, the inadequate number of police allocated to manage crowds and fundamental organisation of the start procedure.
Spectators would crowd the roads further obscuring the route from drivers already half blinded by the dust raised from vehicles ahead, then hemmed in by those pressing to catch a glimpse of a car for the first time in their lives.
The first hundred kilometers of the route were thronged with spectators, and drivers reducing speed, found that crowds just took longer to move out of the way; pets, livestock and children were oblivious to the dangers.
Cars broke down, crashed, sometimes into and sometimes avoiding spectators.
Hearsay of incidents at the time was rampant, word of mouth distorting fact into fiction and vice versa.
Entries ( accounts do vary, but an approximation):
Camille du Gaste, whom Gordon Bennett once called ‘the greatest sportswoman of all time’, was the second woman in France to be issued a driving license and was the only woman driver at the Versailles start.
Making good time on the first leg to Bordeaux of the 1903 Paris-Madrid motor race, she found her fellow De Dietrich driver, Englishman Phil Stead, trapped under his car when it rolled in a ditch.
With her mechanic she helped and then gave first aid, probably saving his life until an ambulance arrived, whereupon she resumed the race and reached Bordeaux in 77th place where the race was curtailed due to the fatalities and injuries during the race.
Fernand Gabriel, the winner in his 60hp Mors
The top twelve of the ninety-nine competitors who arrived at Bordeaux:
Manufacturers Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) entered 12 Mercedes in the 1903 race six of which were six brand-new 90 hp racing cars, four of which were out performed by the proven 60hp and 40hp engines.
Further problems beckoned with a devastating fire at the Cannstatt factory in the early hours of 10 June 1903 which destroyed 90 cars, some complete and some partially so.
Those that were destroyed included those destined for the 1903 Gordon Bennett International car race.